Monday, July 30, 2012

RightFax Healthcare Integration |

OpenText RightFax Solutions Provide Document and Information Security for Compliance; Offering a Cost Effective Alternative to Managing Paper-Based Fax Documents

redcrossMore healthcare organizations and medical institutions use OpenText RightFax to help insure HIPAA compliance than any other Fax Server or automated document delivery solution in the U.S. Advantage Technologies has successfully implemented large scale and departmental fax solutions, while insuring a smooth transition process from paper based faxing. The key to the success of these projects has been to insure that a consultative process is employed from the onset of the project, to truly understand the workflow and inherent challenges within each department throughout the organization.

Learn More about our Healthcare Integrations:

mckesson-rightfax-integration RightFax Integration McKesson
By integrating BPA solutions with McKesson systems you can integrate with healthcare information systems and other business applications to provide...
ge-idx-rightfax-integration RightFax Integration GE/IDX
Business Process Automation solutions for GE Healthcare solutions provide proven and reliable enterprise fax and e-document delivery capabilities, combined...
RightFax Integration Epic
EpicCare EMR / EHR Integration with fax servers such as RightFax increases productivity, reduces labor, and minimizes paper waste.